Yum, Yum, Guys!

an online family cookbook


About this project

The Thanksgiving when Charlie was two, my Gramma Bobby made her famous fruit salad covered in whipped cream and loaded with mini marshmallows. After the food was served, the room fell silent as everyone dug in and enjoyed the meal. Charlie, focused entirely on the fruit salad, was the first to break the silence when he looked up and exclaimed, "YUM YUM GUYS!" Gramma Bobby's fruit salad recipe is available in this collection here: Yum, Yum, Guys! Fruit Salad

This original "Yum, Yum, Guys!" cookbook was put together several years ago for family. The printing company I used no longer exists. Even when it did, there was no easy way to add new recipes or update old ones. So, I have decided to make version two online as a living document. Thanks to everyone who has shared their recipes!